Check an Item In & Out

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  1. Please get your blue library card from the card file box. Don’t have a library card? Click here to request one.
  2. Swipe your library card under the barcode reader (place the card barcode side up and slide the card forward under the red light of the scanner). Your name will appear on the computer screen.
  3. Place your book or DVD down on the desk.  Find the barcode on the back upper corner, or if a DVD inside the case. Slide the book or DVD forward under the red light. The title will appear on the computer screen. Do the same process for any other books or movies you’d like to check out. 
  4. You’ve checked out your book or movie, congratulations! Please wait a minute until your name disappears from the screen (you’ll see a countdown clock).

How to Return an Item

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Please place your item in the “Returns” basket located in the library.