WeeConnect (3 – 5 Years)

If your child is ready for the next step in their faith formation journey, we offer this time together. After beginning with families in the 9:30 am worship service in the Sanctuary, children are dismissed after the Thought for Children to the Chapel. We gather using the model of Young Children and Worship where children learn and experience worship and the story in ways that speak to children and their natural wonder and spiritual nature. They also have the opportunity to respond to the story in creative and artistic ways. On communion Sundays, children will return to the Sanctuary to celebrate communion with their classes and the whole church family. Otherwise, children are dismissed from WeeConnect at 10:40 am from the Chapel.

Register your child for WeeConnect.

We have a Children & Families Ministry email list and quarterly newsletter of news and events! Not receiving it, let us know by emailing Jill Reichert, Director of Children & Family Ministries at jreichert@westminsterpc.org.

Children’s Ministry Registration